Hi there, I’m Riley! I like to make a bunch of stuff from art, to writing, to games.
Some things I’ve made or are currently working on are:
* The Great Crabsby: An animated adaptation of The Great Gatsby but with crabs... Yeah (WIP)
* My blog, where I talk about whatever I feel interests me or where I highlight things that I feel not many people know about.
* A bunch of video game concepts that I haven't actually worked on yet. :P

My name's Riley, (They/Them) and I'm trying to make video games and sometimes make other things. I first got my start in game development by using the flash website Sploder and programming language Scratch. Nowadays, I'm trying to learn how to use the Godot engine. I also like designing characters and concepts, you'll find a bunch of my characters throughout this here site.
I like cute things, violent things, and cute and violent things. Some of the creators that have inspired me the most are Edmund McMillen, David Firth, and Ross Scott.

The Only Cool Person


2D Art

I've been drawing since I was a kid, but never really got serious about it until I was a teenager. Today, drawing is one of my favorite hobbies.


I honestly haven't done that much work on completely original games, but I have done a lot of work for custom maps and mods for the original Doom games.

3D Art

While I haven't done as much 3D art as either of the other ones, I am still learning about it and doing it.

I have other things I'm into outside of what I make, too:
*I like to hang out on the internet and talk to people, mainly on forums or Discord servers. I genuinely don't know how people make connections on sites like Twitter or Instagram, so I don't tend to use those.
*I like to use Linux and other open source software. I grew up using Linux, and greatly prefer it to pretty much every other OS out there.
*I like playing video games, my tastes tend to be more towards indies than big AAA games. Some of my favorites include Pizza Tower, Doom 1&2, Deltarune, Minecraft, and pretty much almost every platform fighter.
*I'm a fan of the bait-and-switch/song mashup Youtube channel Siivagunner as well as mashups in general.
*Back to video games, I have a particular interest in Flash games. Both in preserving them in archives and playing them.